Black Coffee

Black Coffee found itself in the throes of a debilitating global pandemic just three months after their official launch. B A S Media came in to secure the fledgling company’s place in the DFW market by bolstering brand awareness and fostering their relationship with the local community.

Web Design:

Black Coffee needed to update its website to better reflect its unique brand values and youthful messaging.

By integrating top-performing keywords, visually striking video, and precise verbiage and graphics, BASM strategized a website that would not only align, but captivating.

Boosted traffic by 25%

Influencer Marketing:

Now that Black Coffee had the BASM-designed Yellow Cup campaign on its feet, they needed to promote the product.

BASM managed the Yellow Cup influencer campaign by recruiting local nano influencers to highlight their Yellow Cup experience on their Instagram feeds and stories.

Over a six month period, BASM crafted countless social media posts and directed content strategy and schedules to guide these hand-selected influencers.


  • Increased merchandise sales by 200%
  • Generated over a million social media impressions
  • Increased sales of signature coffee by 35%

Overall Results

Over six months, Black Coffee experienced a

  • 65% increase in digital traffic
  • 38% increase in revenue
  • 25% in social media followers
  • and several press features

